mental health in seniors post pandemic

Research Shows the Elderly in Brooklyn are Recovering Well from Pandemic-Related Depression

Many people struggled with their mental health during the pandemic. Lockdowns, isolation, and uncertainty about the future left a number of people struggling with depression. Seniors in Brooklyn were no exception to this problem, and they faced some unique issues that made their situation even more difficult than most. However, the mental health in seniors…

difference between heart attack and sudden cardiac arrest

Sudden Cardiac Arrest vs. Heart Attack: They Are Not the Same

The terms heart attack and sudden cardiac arrest are used interchangeably, but they are not the same. There are significant differences between the two. It is important to know the difference for proper treatment and care. Seniors and their loved ones in Brooklyn Heights as well as other areas need to be educated about the…

It is so important to plan for home healthcare with long term care insurance

Funding Home Healthcare with Long-Term Care Insurance in Riverdale

People often think of long-term care insurance like most other ‘optional’ insurances: “I’m perfectly healthy. I don’t need it!” or “I’ll buy it when I get older and really need it.” Of all the misconceptions about long-term care insurance, the “I’ll get it when I really need it,” mindset is probably the most damaging. Thinking…