detecting Parkinson's disease early can buy valuable time

Detecting Parkinson’s Disease Earlier

Long before the classic symptoms of tremors and gait instability appear, Parkinson’s disease, which affects 1.5 million Americans, might be diagnosable allowing for the possibility for earlier intervention and amelioration of the disease. Consequently, detecting Parkinson’s disease early may buy valuable time. Studies find that many of those diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease had experienced the…

Elderproofing home remodeling to age-in-place

Elderproofing: Allow Your Loved Ones to Age-in-Place with Home Remodeling

There is no shortage of stories about senior citizens who put up resistance to leaving their homes. Emotional attachment, the comfort of a familiar place, and independence – all are arguments older Americans cite when asked why they don’t want to relocate. This is quite understandable. However, even when this seems like a favorable option…