Ageism in Medicine: 5 Mind-Blowing Facts on Elderly Participation in Clinical Trials

Imagine if studies on the effects of eating dog food looked only at its effects on cats. While it sounds outrageous, that is the logic currently employed by many medical researchers studying treatments for a vast array of chronic illnesses. Chronic illnesses affect older people at a higher rate than younger people. At the same time,…

3 Stress Relief Exercises for Brooklyn Heights Caregivers

Yoga and Meditation: Proven Benefits for Senior Health in Staten Island

Yoga is  the preferred form of movement for many people. Meditation might be a luxury for others. However, for the aging community, the regular practice of yoga and these meditative activities should be taken more seriously. Interestingly, the benefits can be dramatic as they assist in physical and mental health and even help in coping…

Group Of Seniors Enjoying Dancing Club Together

Exercise Can Delay Dementia

What is Dementia? Dementia is a type of cognitive decline characterized by memory loss, communication difficulties, and impaired thinking. Dementia is a growing concern for aging populations. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 47 million people have dementia worldwide. WHO also estimates 75 million people will be affected by dementia by 2030. According to the Alzheimer’s Association,…

Lack of geriatric specialists

Ageism in Medicine: Lack of Geriatric Specialists Creates Medical Ageism

The number of geriatric medical health caregivers is not keeping pace with the increasing number of older Americans. In addition, there is a lack of adequate training in the field of geriatric medicine as well as an insufficient amount of hands-on clinical experience. While physicians may have experience dealing with senior patients in their practice,…

Elderly Ageism in Medicine: Lack of Geropsychologists For the Elderly

The American Psychological Association (APA) reports on an ageist trend in medicine today: A severe lack of geropsychologists to serve our rapidly aging society that requires specialized care and an ageist trend preventing elderly patients from using them. Mental health issues among older Americans take on many forms, from depression and anxiety to behavioral health problems and…