Home Health Care Services for Seniors with Vision Loss & Cognitive Decline in Bergen, Essex, Hudson, Morris, Somerset and Union Counties in New Jersey.
It’s not uncommon for seniors to experience hearing and vision loss. Sadly, these changes can cause both physical and emotional hardships. They may feel a loss of independence, an inability to do the things they love and a disconnect from the world around them. Beyond these discomforts, with the loss of vision and hearing, they may experience cognitive decline.
Studies on the relationship between vision loss and cognitive decline find that loss of vision is associated with poor cognitive function. Furthermore, untreated poor vision is associated with cognitive decline and it has been found that cognitive function can be improved if vision problems are treated. Regular visits with your ophthalmologist can lead to improvement and help prevent deterioration.
Studies show that hearing loss is associated with accelerated cognitive decline. In fact, adults with hearing loss will experience cognitive decline 30-40% faster than those with normal hearing. Unfortunately, almost two-thirds of adults over the age of 70 have hearing loss, yet they remain significantly undertreated. With hearing aids being affordable and accessible, hearing again is possible with treatment.
There are a few reasons this may happen: