Insomnia in seniors

Insomnia In Franklin Lakes Seniors: Substance Abuse & Over-Medication

Many seniors struggle with sleep disorders and can’t remember the last time they had a good night’s rest. Rest is more important than most people think. Consider these facts: A study from the journal SLEEP indicates that seniors with sleep apnea are at greater risk for early deaths. Add to that, since sleep apnea impacts…

caregiver stress (1)

Fighting Severe Caregiver Stress in Union County

Caregivers Have Their Limits Many caregivers in Union County who experience caregiver stress try to keep going despite emotional and physical fatigue. They often put their patients before themselves, allowing their stress to grow and manifest in poor health. It’s important to note that this avoidance is not necessarily sustainable. While the selflessness of caregivers is…

caregiver stress management manhattan and staten island

Caregiver Health in Livingston: Anytime Stress Management

Happiness significantly improves the quality of our lives. Therefore, it is no surprise that there is a distinct connection between caregiver happiness and patient satisfaction. There are many solutions to the common problem of caregiver stress, including classes on positive thinking and therapeutics. Of course, not all marketed suggestions for caregiver stress management are safe…