respite care programs for seniors

4 Respite Care Programs For Seniors in Bergen County | Giving Caregivers A Break

Caregivers are the backbone of our society. Today, upwards of 30 million unpaid caregivers provide care to an adult 50 years or older in homes across America. According to AARP, the economic value of caregiving rivals that of Walmart, the world’s largest company. These statistics, however, hide an ugly truth: burnout among caregivers is high…

keys book on dementia

Keys Book On Dementia: Why Do You Think I Call You Mama?

Dementia is a cruel disease. The often slow descent into irreversible mental decline is horrific and traumatizing. Challenges abound at every stage, and not surprisingly, caregivers are at the forefront of the battle. To make matters worse, there’s no known cure for Alzheimer’s. For caregivers, hope often proves elusive. Fortunately, there are many books on…

Causes of geriatric hospital admissions in Ridgewood

5 Common Causes For Geriatric Hospital Admissions In Ridgewood And How To Avoid Readmissions

For the elderly population, a hospital admission can be life-changing. It is more difficult for people to recover from traumatic events as they age, and a health crisis requiring hospital care often signals a change in the level of support a patient needs. Here is an overview of some of the most common reasons elderly people…

Ways To Stop The Financial Exploitation Of Seniors

5 Ways To Stop The Financial Exploitation Of Berkeley Heights Seniors

Did you know that elder financial exploitation was one of the top 10 consumer scams targeting seniors in 2017? In fact, the SEC reports that seniors who develop Alzheimer’s or other neurocognitive diseases are most vulnerable to financial exploitation. In this article, we explore 5 constructive ways to stop the financial exploitation of seniors in…

assisting seniors with treatment decision-making

A Caregiver’s Guide: Assisting Springfield Seniors With Treatment Decision-Making

Seniors often have a difficult time adjusting to the reality of aging. As a caregiver, you are responsible for filling in the gaps and protecting your loved one’s interests. You are certainly energized and ready for the task. Yet, you find yourself grappling with increasing challenges in a daily battle for normalcy. The roles have…

anti-aging spa treatments for seniors

The Best Anti-Aging Spa Treatments For Seniors in Cranford

Aging is a natural part of life. Yet, our cultural obsession with youth and beauty increases our collective anxieties about it. Today, retailers make millions of dollars from beauty products that promise to delay the inevitable. Sure, Cranford seniors want to look good and feel good. However, many more in Bergen, Essex and Morris are concerned…