We Understand and Value Jewish Culture and Religion and Provide Kosher Caregiving for Residents of Bergen, Essex, Hudson, Morris, Somerset and Union Counties in New Jersey.
David York Agency is well acquainted with the special requirements of Jewish kosher caregiving. We are mindful of all Jewish holidays. We keep a Jewish calendar along with the secular calendar and give notice to all aides when holidays occur during their shifts. If applicable, the home health aide can accompany the client to the synagogue and we brief the aide regarding the special requirements of the day.
Good nutrition is critically important to older adults because it can prevent or slow many of the chronic conditions that are common as people age. However, many senior citizens may not be able to cook healthy meals on their own. This is even more of an issue with those who eat a strictly kosher diet. They are used to running their own kitchens under strict laws and preparing their own meals and are reluctant to let others into that area of their home.
Before we assign them to a kosher home, our home health aides are trained in the special requirements of kosher cooking and meal preparation. Our executive staff is fully aware of the rules of kosher as well. We impress upon our aides the importance of maintaining the separation between meat and dairy in a kosher kitchen and to be in communication with us or the client should a question arise.