alternative approach to dementia: baseball reminiscence leagues

Alternative Approach for Managing Dementia: Memory Clubs by: Anita Kamiel, R.N., M.P.S.

Diagnosis of Dementia A diagnosis of dementia mostly associated with cognitive impairment and memory loss can be such a terrifying prospect that many refuse to confront that reality at all. They prefer to say that confusion is just part of getting older or that everyone forgets things. They blame their forgetfulness on stress or mild…

end-of-life discussion with a resistant senior

Eldercare Conversation With A Resistant Senior by Anita Kamiel, R.N., M.P.S.

Awkward Discussion We talk a lot about how important it is to have those serious end-of-life discussions with your elderly loved ones as they enter their golden years. It’s so important to hash out their preferences for care while they are still fully cognizant, before any decline in mental capacity. We also know that under…