mild cognitive impairment and alzheimer's disease

Mild Cognitive Impairment & Alzheimer’s Disease by: Anita Kamiel, R.N., M.P.S.

They are quips we hear often enough—when you forget a well-known name or where you left your keys: “I’m having a senior moment,” or, “My Alzheimer’s is setting in!” As we age, the body changes, including the composition of the brain making the elderly more prone to mild forgetfulness. Sometimes these memory slips are nothing…

‘Liquid Candy’ Is NOT Nutrition to the Elderly in Manhattan

Say No to Standard Nutritional Shakes The New York Times reported that the American Geriatrics Society has made a new warning in their Choosing Wisely recommendations against using products such as Boost and Ensure because they are little more than ‘liquid candy’. Interestingly, this is a label usually ascribed to soda. Like soda, the primary…