moving a senior

Should I Move My Elderly Parent? by Anita Kamiel, RN, MPS (guest post)

The website Minding Our Elders liked one of Anita’s articles so much that they posted it for their followers.  “Ah.. to this there are no easy answers. There are situations where the need for moving a senior from their comfortable home is not altogether apparent, nor are its benefits. There is a pervasive attitude that moving…

elderly substance abuse on the horizon

Senior Substance Abuse: An Explosion On The Horizon by: Anita Kamiel, R.N., M.P.S.

  Elderly Addiction It’s something that we never associate with the elderly, but it does exist: elderly substance abuse. According to the NYS Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services (OASAS), this “hidden national epidemic is diagnosed in only 37% of those ages 60+ suffering from addiction. As a result, many organizations have new guidelines…