Home Health Care Services for HIV patients in Bergen, Essex, Hudson, Morris, Somerset and Union Counties in New Jersey.
If you are diagnosed with HIV, panic sets in. However, it is not the death sentence it was even a decade ago. HIV is human immunodeficiency virus that causes AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome), but not all those who are HIV positive will develop AIDS. AIDS is an advanced stage of HIV infection. The presence of HIV is obtained through a blood test and it is best to seek the care of a physician who specializes in treating the disease. Today there are new treatment options so that with the right medical care many HIV patients can live long and productive lives. There are drug protocols that can slow or prevent the onset of AIDS. In fact, there are more than 1 million HIV positive Americans living today. However, if left untreated, serious illness or death can occur.
AIDS is caused by HIV infection which wreaks havoc with the body’s immune system by progressively killing immune cells that fight infections and some cancers. Symptoms of infections associated with AIDS include: