Mother and daughter in a Manhattan park. Age in place in Manhattan.

New Laws That Help Seniors Age In Place In Manhattan

Healthcare is one of the biggest barriers preventing seniors from staying in their homes. Mobility issues, transportation challenges, and lack of a supportive network make treatment plans impossible to follow. In fact, 38 percent of Medicare recipients report difficulties meeting their healthcare needs. However, seniors still prefer to play an active role in the healthcare decision-making…

Seniors with Congestive Heart Failure

The Importance of In-Home Healthcare for Seniors with Congestive Heart Failure

Seniors with CHF At Risk Congestive heart failure (CHF) is a serious condition that, if left untreated, can be fatal. Seniors are at an especially high risk. In people over the age of 65, heart failure is the most common reason for hospital admissions, with 900,000 people being hospitalized in the US each year. CHF…