A female patient with geriatric diabetes talking to her doctor.

Part 2: Treatments for Geriatric Diabetes in the Bronx

In Part One, we looked at the types of diabetes, changing treatment concepts, and directions for treatment. Here, we look at specific categories of medications, non-pharmacologic therapies, as well as on-demand insulin injections. Categories of Medication to Treat Geriatric Diabetes Metformin, approved by the FDA in 1994 for the treatment of Type 2 diabetes and…

A senior woman with geriatric diabetes checking her blood glucose levels.

Part 1: Treatments for Geriatric Diabetes in the Bronx

In recent decades, new treatments for geriatric diabetes have emerged. They include dozens of new medications as well as non-pharmacologic therapies. In this two-part post, we’ll look at the range of new treatments and their associated benefits. As the world approaches the 100th anniversary of the first insulin treatment, prospects for the treatment of the…